• Publicaciones

159 registros « 1 de 8 »


Artículos de revista

Mingote, Victoria; Gimeno, Pablo; Vicente, Luis; Khurana, Sameer; Laurent, Antoine; Duret, Jarod

Direct Text to Speech Translation System Using Acoustic Units Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 30, pp. 1262-1266, 2023.

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Mingote, Victoria; Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Class token and knowledge distillation for multi-head self-attention speaker verification systems Artículo de revista

En: Digital Signal Processing, vol. 133, pp. 103859, 2023.

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Ribas, Dayana; Pastor, Miguel; Miguel, Antonio; Martínez, David; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Automatic Voice Disorder Detection using Self-Supervised Representations Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 14915-14927, 2023.

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Ribas, Dayana; Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

On the Problem of Data Availability in Automatic Voice Disorder Detection. Conferencia

Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) – Volume 5: HEALTHINF, 2023, ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6.



Artículos de revista

Ribas, Dayana; Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Wiener Filter and Deep Neural Networks: A Well-Balanced Pair for Speech Enhancement Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no 18, pp. 9000, 2022.

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Almudévar, Antonio; Sevillano, Pascual; Vicente, Luis; Preciado-Garbayo, Javier; Ortega, Alfonso

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Applied to Φ-OTDR Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 22, no 17, pp. 6515, 2022.

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Prieto, Santi; Ortega, Alfonso; López-Espejo, Iván; Lleida, Eduardo

Shouted and whispered speech compensation for speaker verification systems Artículo de revista

En: Digital Signal Processing, vol. 127, pp. 103536, 2022.

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Gimeno, Pablo; Ribas, Dayana; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

Unsupervised Adaptation of Deep Speech Activity Detection Models to Unseen Domains Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no 4, pp. 1832, 2022.

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Mingote, Victoria; Miguel, Antonio; Ribas, Dayana; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

aDCF Loss Function for Deep Metric Learning in End-to-End Text-Dependent Speaker Verification Systems Artículo de revista

En: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 30, pp. 772-784, 2022.

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Mingote, Victoria; Viñals, Ignacio; Gimeno, Pablo; Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Multimodal Diarization Systems by Training Enrollment Models as Identity Representations Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no 3, pp. 1141, 2022.

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Gimeno, Pablo; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

A Study on the Use of wav2vec Representations for Multiclass Audio Segmentation Conferencia

Proceedings of XII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VIII Iberian SLTech (Iberspeech), 2022.

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Pastor, Miguel; Ribas, Dayana; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition with HuBERT Self-Supervised Representation Conferencia

Proceedings of XII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VIII Iberian SLTech (Iberspeech), 2022.

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Ribas, Dayana; Pastor, Miguel; Miguel, Antonio; Martínez, David; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

S3prl-Disorder: Open-Source Voice Disorder Detection System based in the Framework of S3PRL-toolkit Conferencia

Proceedings of XII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VIII Iberian SLTech (Iberspeech), 2022.

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Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

ViVoLAB System Description for the S2TC IberSPEECH-RTVE 2022 challenge Conferencia

Proceedings of XII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VIII Iberian SLTech (Iberspeech), 2022.


Mingote, Victoria; Miguel, Antonio

Representation and Metric Learning Advances for Deep Neural Network Face and Speaker Biometric Systems Conferencia

Proceedings of XII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VIII Iberian SLTech (Iberspeech), 2022.

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Artículos de revista

Viñals, Ignacio; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

The Domain Mismatch Problem in the Broadcast Speaker Attribution Task Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no 18, pp. 8521, 2021.

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Gimeno, Pablo; Mingote, Victoria; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

Generalising AUC Optimisation to Multiclass Classification for Audio Segmentation with Limited Training Data Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 28, pp. 1135-1139, 2021.

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Llombart, Jorge; Ribas, Dayana; Miguel, Antonio; Vicente, Luis; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Progressive Loss Functions for Speech Enhancement with Deep Neural Networks Artículo de revista

En: EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, vol. 2021, no 1, pp. 1-16, 2021.

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Gimeno, Pablo; Ortega, Alfonso; Miguel, Antonio; Lleida, Eduardo

Unsupervised Representation Learning for Speech Activity Detection in the Fearless Steps Challenge 2021 Conferencia

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), vol. 2021-September, 2021.

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Mingote, Victoria; Miguel, Antonio; Ortega, Alfonso; Lleida, Eduardo

Log-Likelihood-Ratio Cost Function as Objective Loss for Speaker Verification Systems Conferencia

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), vol. 2021-September, 2021.

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159 registros « 1 de 8 »